Tuesday, 1 November 2011


The long-awaited autumn offensive duly took place, with a coordinated attack by the Mole Army in four different places; the hedge by the front lawn, the edge of my new lawn, the paddock and a new area at the edge of the back lawn. Since I only have three traps, this necessitated difficult choices. So I abandoned the paddock and the new area, and concentrated on the first two, where they could do most damage.

A tactical victory for the enemy? Well, although the moles have the advantage of numbers, they also have shit for brains, as my son would say. Since I now have an almost encyclopædic knowledge of the tunnel networks on my property, it was merely a question of placing the traps in the right places and waiting for them to fall into them. Sure enough, I have picked them off one by one, and we are currently mole-free. It will only be temporary of course, but satisfying nevertheless.

Walter Blotscher


  1. For maximum security why not try an Old Rectory Jack Russell? They also double up as a postman deterrent if you know there are unwanted bills coming your way.

  2. The general did well in deploying special force sniper teams in effective locations - see "Enemy at the Gates" for further inspiration...
