Monday 25 July 2011


It's hard to think of anything meaningful to say about the tragedy that took place in Norway on Friday. That has not stopped the news networks running it constantly over the weekend (there has literally been no other news item on the main evening bulletins). But what more can you say other than "a deranged, right-wing nutcase went amok and killed a whole load of innocent people"?

Perhaps the only good thing to come out of the event is the beginning of a more thoughtful debate about nationalism in Scandinavia. All four Nordic countries have experienced a rise in right-wing, anti-immigrant political parties in recent years; and their language and policies have become increasingly strident and unchecked. However, the fact of the matter is that - despite the wishes and efforts of Mr. Behring Breivik (and others who support him?) - immigrants are not going to leave en masse. So wouldn't it be better to try and make life better for both them and the rest of the population? After all, there might, just might, be a link between stridently nationalist political posturing and what happened last week.

Walter Blotscher

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