Thursday 28 April 2011


I borrowed a trailer today to take stuff up to the dump. Notably those big doors that I have taken out from the barn.

Even though I had chopped them up, the resulting chunks were still pretty heavy. It wasn't too difficult getting them onto the waist-high trailer; but taking them out and putting them up in the head-high container at the dump would be another matter. After struggling with the first - and smallest - one, one of the municipal employees came up to me, and asked me if I needed any help. This was not, as I first thought, picking up the other end of a door and helping me throw it into the container. It was turning the ignition key in his huge JCB digger that is used to flatten stuff in the containers when they get too full. So I simply put all the chunks in his shovel, and puff, into the container they all went.

As I said earlier, rubbish rubbish service has been replaced by good rubbish service. 

Walter Blotscher

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