Friday 18 February 2011


Yesterday I changed the U-bend on the sink in the bathroom. I don't know what the part is called in English; in Danish it's a "pungvandlåse".

Yesterday I also went down with flu. I had a terrible night, and was moaning so much, my wife had to leave and go and sleep elsewhere.

The thought that struck me this morning was whether I went down with flu because I had changed the U-bend. I'll think about that while I stay in bed.

Walter Blotscher

1 comment:

  1. Two things:

    1) "Låse" is plural, so unless you changed two or more, the Danish term is actually a "pungvandslås".

    2) People don't contract the flu from minor, indoor physical exercise. That happens when they sleep in a bedroom with an open window and snow outside, standing around outside in said temperature inadequately dressed, or a lack of physical exercise which in turn weakens your immune system..
