Friday 25 April 2014


I have been battling with spam filters recently. Many servers are now fitted with such filters, which are designed to recognise spam, and park it harmlessly in a spam box. In the worst cases, they block any E-Mail or other electronic message from the originator in question.

However, there is a problem. How do you distinguish between a genuine E-Mail to a long list of people and a spam E-Mail to a long list of people? In my job as Chairman of the local cinema, I often have to send out E-Mails to all of the volunteers associated with it, some 40 to 50 names. A number of these volunteers have ferocious spam filters attached to their E-Mail systems. If I send out too many such E-Mails, the spam filter gets activated and the message can't get through. Even worse, my IP-address is blacklisted as a spammer.

One option would be to send individual E-mails to each volunteer. However, that's an administrative pain. As I say, I am battling ...

Walter Blotscher

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