Sunday 8 May 2011


Sometimes it helps if your neighbours have some heavy equipment. When Claus chewed up all the ground as part of the 2011 Project, he told me that his "stubfræser" had hit a stone, and that it might be a good idea to remove it. Since the area poking out of the soil was about the size of a dinner plate, I agreed.

So I started to dig. And I dug and I dug and I dug, removing more and more soil and revealing what turned out to be a humungously large piece of rock. There was no way that I was going to be able to get rid of that stone on my own.

Yesterday I rang my neighbour. We have a barter deal going, whereby he gets the hay in the paddock for his horses, in return for various unspecified services. This was a time to specify one of those services. Could he come with his tractor, which has a large fork on the front, dig out this stone, and move it somewhere else?

He could indeed; and duly did (see above). I had him place the stone by the front entrance, where it will be both an artistic ornament, and (even more importantly) an impediment to the post vans and dustcarts, who like to drive over the edge of our lawn instead of sticking to the road.

Walter Blotscher


  1. An very solid atistic ornament. In rural Denmark you did not need planning permission for that?

  2. Hi Michael,

    I don't know, I didn't ask.

    However, the post vans have got their revenge in early. I got a letter today saying that if I don't put my post box out on the edge of the road by the end of this year, then I won't get any post.



  3. Aha, but then that may be a good thing.
