Wednesday 2 February 2011


I have spent much of today in a horizontal position. Yesterday I changed the chain on my chainsaw, prior to chopping up more wood. If you don't fit the chain exactly right on the rotor wheel, then you can't start the machine with that rope thingy, since the wheel won't go round properly.

That is exactly what happened. When I tugged hard to start it, the wheel didn't move, but something in my lower back did. It was painful yesterday, though I was still mobile and managed to finish my chopping. However, it seized up completely during the night, so I could hardly walk this morning. I have either been hobbling around or lying on the sofa on top of a hot water bottle.

Still, my enforced immobility means that I have ample justification for watching Black Hawk Down, which is just about to start.

Walter Blotscher

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