Sunday 20 June 2010


It is my wife's birthday today, so congratulations to her. It also means not much time for blogging, since I cleaned the house while my daughter made muffins, wrapped up her presents, had coffee (with muffins) with my family plus mother-in-law and sister-in-law, made dinner, and then washed up. Oh, and went for a cycle ride and watched the Brazil-Ivory Coast game. It seems I have been a busy bee.

And, since you ask, yes, my wife enjoyed it all. Though she has yet to work out how to use the new iPod we gave her.

Walter Blotscher

1 comment:

  1. This blog paints a lovely picture of blissful life in rural Denmark.

    There is a lot of house cleaning and grass mowing to fill the time between eating and cooking.

    And for spice there is the occasional entry expressing concern at th state of the world beyond the village

    Happy Birthday to your wife
