Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Listeria is a naturally occurring bacterium which is present in many raw and processed foods. Everybody ingests it at some time or another, and it is usually taken care of by the body's immune system.

Occasionally, however, it hits vulnerable groups (eg the elderly, pregnant women, people in hospital) whose immune systems are weakened. Listeria can make these people seriously ill, and even kill them, through blood poisoning or meningitis.

Such an outbreak has just hit Denmark, with 12 deaths. The outbreak has been traced to a producer of a type of lamb sausage called røllepølse, which is widely eaten in sandwiches. Having traced it, and taken steps to improve the production process, presumably the outbreak is now over.

Unfortunately, just as things are getting under control, politicians start to wade in. And because there are deaths, their reactions tend to verge on the hysterical. It is not attractive.

Walter Blotscher

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