Saturday, 18 May 2013

A.P.McCOY (2)

Some three years ago, I made a pitch for A.P. McCoy's being the greatest sportsman on the planet, since he had won the National Hunt jockeys' championship every year since he had been professional, fifteen years on the trot. Because of that he was the BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 2010, the first jockey to win it.

Three years later, he is now up to eighteen titles and 3,863 winners. I rest my case.

Walter Blotscher


  1. Does it not depend on the horse?

  2. Hi Michael,

    Yes, but. He rides good horses that win, but he also wins on horses that are not brilliant. And the situation is the same for all the other jockeys. To win the championship every year that you have been professional is both astounding and outstanding.


