Saturday, 10 November 2012


One of the functions in this blog is the ability to click on an underlined link, and be transfered to a previous post on something similar. As in yesterday's post, for instance; I was talking about Barack Obama and put in a link to my post of two years ago on the same subject.

While I was writing it, I happened to notice that other words also had the blue link under them. But these were single words, where I had not made the link; money, date, win, woman. When I clicked on them, I got annoying ads asking me to join a casino, or become friends with Russian women. Even more irritating, I found that the links went through all of my previous 800 or so posts. So whenever I had written the word money during the past two and a half years, there was a link inviting me to find a Russian girlfriend.

When I have IT problems, I usually turn to my son, he of the Globe 6 Adventures blog. Since he couldn't see the links under the words in his Firefox browser, he guessed that it had something to do with the Chrome browser that I use to write the blog ( being, like Chrome, part of the Google stable). I uninstalled Chrome and then reinstalled it, but the problem remained. However, after surfing on the internet for an hour or so, I found the following link that told me what to do. It was a problem with Chrome, an extension within the browser called Fast Save. I disabled this, and bingo, the annoying words and the Russian women all disappeared.

Computers and other IT-thingies are very useful tools, until they start to go wrong. At which point, they quickly become frustrating and irritating to someone like me. In this particular case, I persevered, and finally managed to sort the problem out. So I suppose I should view the whole thing as a learning experience.

Walter Blotscher


  1. What's wrong with being friends with Russian women?

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Nothing, if that is what you choose to do. It's the absence of choice that is irritating.


