Tuesday, 24 April 2012


One of the claims made by ecological farmers is that their dairy cows only eat grass in the summer from their ecologically maintained meadows. So, after being cooped up in stalls and barns all winter, it's a big deal when these cows are eventually let out.

At a local farm, that happened last Sunday. I am not at all surprised that the cows were excited. But what did surprise me was the number of people who turned up to watch. Last year, it was more than 4,000, this year that had grown to - I kid you not - more than 6,000. The same thing happened at every other ecological farm in the country.

Have Danes really nothing better to do at the weekend than watch cows eating grass? Apparently not.

Walter Blotscher

1 comment:

  1. Were you there watching the people watch the cows eat grass and counting the people?

    I suppose in England people like to go and watch the lambs in the fields at this time of the year.
